The world today has gone agog with the cry over the need, to wake up and check out what we are doing against mother nature. Both the great and small are concerned!
So many reasons, have been deduced as to why things seem to be going anti clockwise. Rain, falls in excess leaving man with flood all over! Snow embarks on unannounced leave when it is expected. White Christmas is seldom had while hurricanes of different magnitude has paid us a visit. Who would not be cautious seeing the horrifying scenes we behold lately! Little wonder the conferences on climate change which is being called for and held.
It is yet to dawn on man that mother nature, is equally reacting as a result of the unwantom BLOOD shed in various ways. Extra judicial killings are going on, politically motivated killings are taking place even as bandits and terrorists take turns spilling that red liquid without which, no one lives. What about people who have been poisoned as a result of envy, while not forgetting abortion!
As the earth opens its mouth and licks those BLOOD of people who were powerless against their attackers, they cry to their Creator Who already warned man against shedding BLOOD. Why does man destroy what he can’t make in the first place? It’s result: “Unproductivity” as the earth comes under a curse. Sure, the perpetrators are doomed for God seeks vengeance for those BLOOD. However, when BLOOD cries, everyone feels it whether you live in the hut or palace.
It is a great development to fight against climate change! Let us equally declare war against BLOOD shed for its effects are more frightening! Get a copy of WHEN BLOOD CRIES and see the harm we are doing to ourselves and how to reverse its consequences as revealed by the Ancient of Days.