“Position yourself for another SHOT”
As in the Game of Golf. life is not about the past but more of the future! You may not be able to change where you had been, but where you are going is at your disposal. Focus therefore on the Next Shot!
Take note of the fact that the successes recorded in life are not those of geniuses! They are more of:
- Mess ups who later measured up
- The fired that eventually hired others.
- The disappointed that were later appointed and on and on
While many fall and stay down there are those who refuse to accept down and out. Thus they rise up again and again: pushing and pulling when the need arises until handicaps becomes CAPS.
The secrets of such people who move and shake their world is what the servant of God aims to unveil in this great material. Hear him: “If you take heed in these tips; the next shot will shoot you promises to land you in your dream”